Budapest Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia The Hungarian capital, Budapest, is situated on the banks of the Danube in Central …

49 thoughts on “Budapest Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

  1. Radu K Travels says:

    Budapest is a great European city, it has a lot of culture, architecture and in the same time modern and vibrant atmosphere. Thank you for the inspirational video, we recently returned from a short visit in Budapest which was exceeding our expectations.

  2. exstazius says:

    I love budapest. I love wekerle telep. It is a like a little fairy tale little town inside budapest. It is full of beautifull houses and it is full of green nature. It is like walking through gardens.

  3. Ke Dav says:

    I live there and I can 100% agree with this video. I've seen so much capitals but none of them is so charming and beautiful as Budapest.
    Maybe I love it more because I'm Hungarian and proud of it, but for sure this city is must to visit once in a lifetime.
    You'll instantly fell in love even if it's summer or winter.
    And also one of the cheapest cities in Europe, especially compared to London or Paris where beer is about 5€ or 4£ in average, but here in Budapest you can get a crafted beer around 2£ if you go to an EXPENSIVE bar. The food, the views, the drinks and everything is really cool here.
    Maybe the biggest issue here is the government. It is reflecting on people, that you'll see. They're living their life day to day and struggling to earn success. Just to keep it simple. Anyway we're really cool and friendly and do everything from our hearts and you're really welcomed here. 🙂
    I hope you'll visit us and enjoy your time here.
    Oh… If it's not enough, you might have heard about Sziget Festival. 😉 Also cheap compared to another big Europen festivals. I hope we'll meet there in August.
    Cheers and love from heart of Europe to all you beautiful people 😉

  4. jim mazzochi says:

    I love this beautiful video, I must say when I'm homesick and not able to be in my birth city at the moment of time, I just look at this beautiful video !!!
    It captures everything (all the basics) some of the history sad and cruel, but it's past made this capitol city to be what all Hungarian is really proud of !
    And my heart is filled with love to say, I'm ready to introduce my incredible "home-town" to the whole entire world !!!

  5. Sándor Hajnal says:

    Európa közepén él egy kis nép, amelyik 1000 éve alkot nagyot, jelentősebbeket, mintsem számaránya indokolná. Nincs oly európai főváros, amelyikben ennyi fürdő lenne, építészete, zenéje, nyelve, ételei, olimpiai érmei, Nobel díjasai, találmányai sokkal többre hivatottabbá teszi.(Olyanokat alkotott, mint a kontinens első földalatti vasútja, Európa legnagyobb zsinagógája, vagy a vár a világ 3. legnagyobbja, vagy a parlamentje a 3. legnagyobb…és még sorolhatnánk. Miközben vesztes háborúkban, forradalmakban vett részt a XX. században. Mi lenne itt ha nem ez történt volna? Ha nem ilyen himnuszunk lenne?)

  6. Discovering Destinations says:

    Congratulations! One of the best videos we watched from Expedia! Budapest is impressive and we agree with all others, this video really captured it ! We visited Budapest back in 2017 and we just loved it ! Amazing experience and discovering !

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